The Team.

List of UKTBO Members

A-Z listing of all UKTBO Members can be obtained direct from the General Secretary.

How Is the UKTBO Organised?

The UKTBO is governed by its own constitution and has Full Members who are proprietors of tenpin bowling centres in the UK; Associated (Allied Trade) Members who are representatives of trade and corporations affiliated to the tenpin bowling industry and Associate (Overseas) Members - Proprietors of bowling centres outside the UK.

The Association has a Board of Executives who set strategic aims and objectives, which must then be endorsed by the Members.

The current Board of Executives is made up of the UKTBO's Officers and Executive Members:



Mr A J Ashbridge


Vice - President

Mr T Clarke



Mr P Millward


Vice Chairman

Mr A Green

Family Amusements


Mr S Clarke


General Secretary

Mr G Brimble



Mr M Hart

The Hollywood Bowl Group

Mr G Blackwell


Mr M Quaintance

Super Bowl UK

Mr P Terry

Disco Bowl Ltd

Mr J Taylor

Shipley Lanes

Mr B Fraser

Ace of Lanes

The UKTBO appoints a General Secretary to be responsible for the general administration of the Association. The General Secretary is Mr Gary Brimble, 56 Braeside Road, Southampton, SO19 7AX. Email: